Michele Brautnick is a Creative Director and Designer. In 2012, she left her
comfortable 12-year stint at a brand consultancy to pursue an independent design
career and chase a photo obsession. Her design efforts have resulted in meaningful
tools across a variety of applications. She loves planning, exploring, and working
through problems – a project manager and designer rolled into one. And though
her skills bridge the gap between the details and creative, sometimes it takes a team
to make good things happen. And building a team is easy when you have lots of
experience and access to good talent. Good thing she has both.
comfortable 12-year stint at a brand consultancy to pursue an independent design
career and chase a photo obsession. Her design efforts have resulted in meaningful
tools across a variety of applications. She loves planning, exploring, and working
through problems – a project manager and designer rolled into one. And though
her skills bridge the gap between the details and creative, sometimes it takes a team
to make good things happen. And building a team is easy when you have lots of
experience and access to good talent. Good thing she has both.